These Four Walls an exhibition by Jess Mara
9 February – 4 March 2018

These Four Walls portray a domestic entity, that is loving, protective, confining and all consuming. It represents a place of belonging, a place of change, a place where everyday domestic rituals offer the potential for creative explorations and playfulness.
Through a series of painted and sculptural works, a home is explored not just as a physical structure but as an emotional space where safety and shelter can be sought. Fittings and fixtures used by Mara serve both a functional and aesthetic purpose. These elements when combined with the formalities of colour, form and pattern, represent the physical fabric of a home.

Opening Friday 9 February 2018, 6-9pm

“Mother, Tent, Shelter”, 2017-2018 oil on canvas, 122 x 107 cm

Opening night wine is provided by Coriole Vineyards.