Floating Goose Studios Inc.

A group exhibition curated by Jade Harland & Tiff Rysdale; featuring works by Amy Wong, Anrai Devereaux, Caitlin Berzins, Caitlin Mohr, Chira Grasby, Deidre But-Husaim, Emma Neill, Holly Rysdale, Jade Harland, Janine Dello, Kaitlyn Davison, Kate Travers, Lucinda Penn, Pamela Graham, Sair Bean, Shirley Wu 昊建珍, Sydelle Mullen & Tifferee.

Opening on Friday, 5th of May 6pm-9pm featuring Guest Speaker; Helen Connolly (CCYP)

“Menstruation has often been represented negatively in the media, perceived to only be a women’s issue, full of over emotional, irrational, and “dirty” portrayals. This exhibition gives us the opportunity to challenge these representations by creating work that depicts more positive representations and normalises our experiences. We aim to create a completely inclusive exhibition and safe space, which recognises that menstruation is not solely a women’s or girls experience but to also ensure that non-binary and transgender people are a part of this conversation. By opening up conversation, we work towards challenging stigma and bringing attention to young people suffering from period poverty.”

Supported by City of Adelaide, Taboo Period Products and The Commissioner for Children & Young People.

Wines supported by Forage Supply Co.