Felicty Townsend, “No Fear of Falling”

6 March – 29 March 2020

Solo exhibition by Felicity Townsend.

“No Fear of Falling celebrates nostalgia and longing through a series of works paying homage to the artist’s memories of the plane journeys and birdlife of her childhood in Papua New Guinea. Vivid colours and abstract forms combine to transcribe a glimpse of the essence of flight observed on every branch and tree and cloud around us.”

Felicity Townsend is an Adelaide-based emerging artist with an expanded practice encompassing sculpture, installation and performance. She obtained First Class Honours in Visual Arts through Flinders University in 2017 and was one of two Carclew Artists in residence for 2019. Townsend’s practice is fuelled by a belief in the fundamental interconnectedness of all matter and a fascination with the way in which every aspect of life in the macro, visible world is impacted by the forces and particles of the invisible, sub-atomic world.


This project is assisted by the South Australian Government through Carclew.

Adelaide Fringe:

Exhibition opening: 7 Feburary 2020 6pm