Patrick Cassar, “Deep Focus”
8 June – 1 July

I am inspired by horror imagery within film and literature. I use the unsettling and disturbing imagery of the macabre when contrasted with the mundane as a way of leading us to resolving our real fears in everyday life. Our irrational fears are exposed and subdued when we explore this genre, leaving us to deal with our rational fears.

Dream theory plays an essential role in the creation of this series, most notably, dreamlike logic. Horror film-makers show us how we may have dreams that are unusual, disturbing and nonsensical. At first they seem to be random scenarios but when we reflect on them we see a connection to our real world.

In these series of works I have taken ideas from psychological horror film imagery and dream theory plus based the works on themes that have emerged from my dreams and other people’s dreams.

Opening Friday 8 June 2018, 6pm – 9pm
Image: “You can rest your head on me” 2018 oil on canvas
Opening night wine is provided by Coriole Vineyards.