Josh Juett, “YOU LOOK GREAT”

2 Aril – 25 April

YOU LOOK GREAT is, at its heart, an exhibition about acceptance. It offers an opportunity to peek into the mind set of another individual by means of imagery created using objects instilled with symbolism. The work is an honest and intimate look at Josh as an individual and an artist, and through this he hopes to create a dialogue about the importance of looking at your life objectively. YOU LOOK GREAT hopes to initiate a conversation about well-being, it offers a space where people can celebrate their flaws, celebrate what makes them unique, without ridicule, and without persecution. You look great! in all your damaged glory, celebrate who you are, while learning from your mistakes. Find some way to glean insight from your successes and failings because good or bad, each moment is an opportunity to reflect and grow.

Josh Juett is an emerging artist from Adelaide, South Australia. His work is mainly concerned with personal revelations depicted through objects imbued with obscure symbolism. He is passionate about creating work which demonstrates a high level of detail and reflects an appreciation for classical painting techniques. Juett couples these ideas with elements from pop culture to create work which is both thought provoking and fun.

Opening Event: Friday 2nd April 6pm – 9pm